
Who we are and what we do

The CPXG (Association of Professional Journalists of Galicia) is a corporation with Public Law status and legal personality, created pursuant to Act 2/1999 of the Parliament of Galicia, dated 24 February 1999.

The aims and objectives of this association include the in-depth study of improvements to the working conditions of journalists, the professional defence of its members, guaranteeing the freedom and independence of the media for the benefit of Galician society, defending the right to freedom of expression and information for all citizens, and safeguarding society from reporting that tends to distort the true facts, with special attention being given to the protection of the professional secret and the application of the conscience clause.

The CPXG, which belongs to the Red de Colegios Professionales de Periodistas (Professional Journalists' Associations Network), currently boasts more than 1,100 members, divided between the seven regional assemblies located throughout Galicia in Santiago, A Coruña, Vigo, Ferrol, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra.


The CPXG organises and carries out numerous activities throughout the course of the year, including ongoing training courses, talks, publications or agreements with companies.

In addition to the courses, talks and workshops, every year training sessions are organised for journalists covering a wide range of topics. Also, the CPXG organises occasionally workshops that offers members the chance to attend a press conference with a major figure or personality in the news at the time.

The Journalists’ Association also offers all its members the services of its Legal Advice Department. There journalists may obtain legal advice on any professional problems they may encounter either free of charge or at reduced rates. Members are also entitled to discounts and special rates in a range of establishments and companies, thanks to the collaboration agreements signed by the CPXG.

As for its communicative activities, the CPXG has a website that is updated on a daily basis and that also includes other sections offering members corporate information as well as details of job opportunities, courses and invents of interest. In addition, each Friday it publishes its ‘F5 Boletín da Comunicación de Galicia’, a digital newsletter that is sent free of charge to all members.

The Association also publishes an annual report offering an insight into the current situation of the profession, and which each edition focuses on a specific theme such as the situation on the labour market or the Galician language, etc., as well as a range of other publications such as its Media Agenda and the catalogue for the exhibition entitled Marea Negra (Oil Slick), created in collaboration with the Burla Negra association.

Every year, the CPXG implements many projects, two of the most noteworthy being the Nacho Mirás Grant, that gives financial support to initiatives of young Bachelors in Communication or Journalism, and the Somos Esenciais Award, that each year recognises the best journalistic work on Social Issues related with Galicia. 

The main event on the Association’s calendar is the International Freedom of the Press Award, organised in conjunction with the Ferrol Press Club. This award was created to acknowledge the work of a living journalist or an organisation that actively promotes the freedom of the press.